How to Write a Data Analysis Report

A data analysis report is a vital document that aids in the understanding of the raw data collected during a business or research project. It focuses on how the data helps and supports the hypothesis. It also aims to aid decision-making and guide conclusions.

Data analysis encompasses two main approaches: descriptive analytics and inferential analysis. Descriptive analytics concentrate on what has transpired over time, such as the number of views or sales for a product. Diagnostic analytics, on the other hand examine the reason the reasons for why something been happening. This usually involves more diverse data sources and some speculation (e.g. how did the weather affect sales of beer?).

Before you begin data analysis, you must clean up the raw data or « scrub » it. This means eliminating duplicate observations and making sure that each observation is complete and precise. This could also mean standardizing formats and identifying potential errors.

The next step is to convert the data into a simple visual format. This can be accomplished using data mining software or visualization tools. At this point it is important to consider the audience. You might want to develop a glossary or explain your strategy if your readers don’t know the terminology.

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